Webinar Watch: Managing the Challenges of Supplier Collaboration and Data Transparency

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July 21, 2022

The 3E Team shared ways to help you manage ongoing data transparency compliance and improve collaboration with your suppliers in a recent webinar.

We invite you to watch our Ensuring Compliance Managing the Challenges of Supplier Collaboration and Data Transparency Webinar, now available on demand.

We explore the global supply chain from mining to retail and consumer, and from manufacturing to disposal and recycling. We discuss ways to assess and manage compliance challenges, manage the flow of information and keep your supply chain processes aligned with regulatory changes.

Key takeaways offered include:

  • Be aware of your position in the supply chain and your associated responsibilities toward customers, company and suppliers
  • While ESG topics are emerging, classical product safety and EHS topics and regulations like Raw Material Compliance, Marketability and Product Compliance and Workplace Safety will continue to key drivers for supply chain compliance for years to come
  • Analyze your regulatory and internal supplier data requirements across the board and set up effective processes to collect, capture and validate data before usage
  • Make sure to engage your suppliers in the right way – consider making use of a trusted third party for supplier data collection; not only for “difficult” suppliers, but to capture with application of NDA‘s near to 100% supplier data and product compliance
  • Implement holistic monitoring processes to stay up to date with global regulatory changes as well as keep your suppliers aligned with your changing data needs

3E offers proven solutions and services to ensure supply chain compliance and transparency from source to sale. Watch our webinar to see how we can help your team.
