Uruguay Launches Consultations on MERCOSUR Resolutions on Food Additives and Food Contaminants

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August 24, 20233E Global Research TeamBlog

On 20 July 2023 the Ministry of Health of Uruguay launched public consultations on the adoption of two MERCOSUR resolutions that incorporate new food additives in some food categories. It also opened a public consultation on a MERCOSUR resolution that adopts the definition of food contaminants. The public consultations will remain open until 23 September 2023.

3E Review 

Draft Resolution No. 03/23 approves MERCOSUR/LXXXIII SGT No. 3/P. RES. No. 03/23, which includes the beta-carotene additive of blakeslea trispora, INS 160a(iii), with the coloring function and a limit of 0.005 g/100 g, in some subcategories of the following food categories: 5–confitures, 19–desserts, 3–ice creams, and 13–sauces and spices.

Draft Resolution No. 04/23 adopts MERCOSUR/LXXXIV SGT No. 3/P. Res. No. 04/23, which amends Resolutions GMC No. 50/97, 53/98, 54/98, 16/00, 51/00, 08/06, and 09/07 to add the additive carmine, INS 120, with the coloring function and a limit of 0.02 g/100 g, in some subcategories of the food category 7–bakery and galette products. It also adds the additive calcium carbonate, INS 170(i), in various functions in some subcategories of the following food categories: 5–confections, 12–soups and broths, 2–culinary industrial preparations, and 13–sauces and condiments. Finally, it adds the additive mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, INS 471, with glazing function with a limit of 0.03 g/100 g, in the food category 6–cereals and cereal-based products, subcategory 6.1 processed cereals.

Draft Resolution No. 06/23 adopts MERCOSUR/LXXXIV SGT No. 3/P. RES. No. 06/23 to amend Resolution GMC No. 31/92 and define a food contaminant as any unwanted substance, not intentionally added to food and which is present as a result of primary production, industrialization, processing, preparation, treatment, packaging, transport or storage, or as a result of environmental contamination.

3E Analysis 

Entities that produce, process, import, and market food should be aware of these proposed changes. Comments should be sent to consulta.publicas@miem.gub.uy by 23 September 2023.
